Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Pic of the Day 6Jan2015

Just before Christmas The Fine Art Trade Guild invited me to use the exhibition space in their new Thames-side HQ for a quick 48 hour preview of the acrylographs chosen for my one-man exhibition in Brighton later this month.
Here is a pic of a section of the Guild display.
The red dot shows that they sold that piece.
It was listed for inclusion in the Brighton show!
So I need to make a replacement.

Mustn’t grumble.

Pic of the Day 4Jan2015


Colin, Fran, and Shyama wish you a Happy and Prosperous New Year. 
2015 starts off with this image, our first ‘Pic of the Day’ for the year.
It shows the flyer for my upcoming one-man exhibition of paintings and acrylographs.
The show is being hosted by 35North Contemporary Fine Art Gallery in Brighton.
It starts in just a couple of weeks from now.
I am still working on the exhibits of course.
I had better explain exactly what an ‘acrylograph’ is in a later post.
For now let me just say that it is a very exciting new technique for artists like me.  